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  1. H

    Auto 4wd Problem

    Hi all, We went from a day with 50 degree temps and rain, to single digits with a sub-zero wind chill overnight. My 1997 Tahoe with auto 4wd is now acting funny. When I start the truck it is "stuck" in 2wd, the red "Neutral" indicator light is one, the 2wd light is on, and the 4wd High ( I...
  2. H

    1999 Escalade Bose Sub-Woofer Help

    So I just picked up a console out of a '99/'00 Escalade to install in my '97 Tahoe. It came with the 6 disk changer, Bose power amp, and Bose sub-woofer. I am running an Alpine head in my Tahoe and wondered if there is any way to use the sub-woofer that is in the console? I really know...
  3. H

    Interior Colors Tahoe/ Denali / Escalade

    I am starting to piece together a "new" interior for my '97 Tahoe and was wondering about something. How close are the tan colors between the different GM interiors for the late '90s? I just ordered a set of '99 escalade door panels that are tan up top and a darker tan at the bottom and I am...
  4. H

    '97 Console Options

    Hi all, New guy here, nice place you all have. I have a '97 Tahoe LT 4 door 4x4 that has been a work horse for my building business. I recently closed the business and have been deciding what to do with the Tahoe. It now has over 150k on it but is in very good condition outside and under...