Just a couple of quick tips so you can easily do this job single handed...
Use a funnel in the end of the brake booster line with a small hex head bolt that drops loosely into the tip of the funnel. A 1/4" bolt fit my funnel perfectly with very small gaps at the bolt head flats. That...
'96 Tahoe LS 4WD 5.7l currently 217K miles. Oil and filter changed every 3-4K miles by me, dealer, or Valvolene. Air filter and wiper blades once per year. Intake cleaned with Seafoam every 50K mi. All work done by me except where noted.
50K - Drive shaft cracked and made a horrible...
Every vehicle I've had with AC has done this when the defrost mode is on. The concept is that WARM AND DRY air will defrost/defog/demist the glass much quicker and efficiently than warm moist air. So, the outside air, from presumably the humid conditions that caused the frost/fog/mist, is run...
Had same problem in my '96 Tahoe last year. Each one I touched seemed to immediately crack in half and fall off. A short trip to the bone yard and $5 later I had a usable set of knobs.
So what's the goal with this procedure? Are you trying to reestablish a path to ground thru the bearing ass'y by cleaning the corrosion under the sensors, or are you trying reinsulate the sensor from grounging out on the bearing ass'y.
Are the front wheel speed sensors the same on a '96 4WD Tahoe? My ABS light is on all the time and the brakes seem to work find under normal operation. So, I think I may have a problem with sensors. I notice the calipers, caliper brakets and upper A-arms are differnent on my truck. Does...
Got the shaft out!!! I just grew some stones and decided it was coming out thru the firewall come hell or high water.
I disconnected the upper intermediate shaft under the dash and popped the firewall boot out. The whole shaft upper and lower still stuck together, including the failed rag...
I've been trying to remove my lower intermediate shaft for the last day and half so I can repair the worn out rag joint with the Dorman kit. I've separated the shaft from the steering box, but the upper end where it slides into the coupler on the bottom end of the upper intermediate shaft right...
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